On the initiative and with the support of Dr. Basak Yilmaz, president of YEMD (Young Emergency Medicine Doctors) of EuSEM, during the “The First South East European Congress of Emergency and Disaster Medicine” in Belgrade, on June 22, 2018, a meeting was held at which agreed formation of the section of young SSEP doctors.
The basic tasks of the YEMD Section are: to improve contact between young doctors and emergency medicine specialists throughout Europe, improvement of scientific research activities in the framework of and in the field of emergency medicine, promotion of Emergency Medicine specialization both in countries that already have accepted Emergency Medicine specialization programs, and especially in countries that do not yet have that specialization. As an umbrella organization, EuSEM will collect data on the activities of the national sections of young doctors and direct the activities towards the set goals, contributing to a better status of all those involved in Emergency Medicine.
Respecting our framework and the specifics of specialist training, members of the YEMD Section can be:
- Doctors who are specializing in emergency medicine and other specializations that have emergency areas in their description (eg: anesthesia, internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery… etc.)
- Specialists for the first 5 years
- Doctors without specialization who work in DZ, SHMP and departments of emergency medicine in hospitals.

Elected President of the SSEP YEMD Section:
Nemanja Nikolić, MD
EMS Niš, Serbia