Kako se približavamo kraju godine, želimo da iskoristimo trenutak da vam se iskreno zahvalimo što ste sastavni deo naše zajednice i što nepokolebljivo podržavate naše ideje, trud i uspehe, čineći ih zajedničkim i time neuporedivo većim. Društvo lekara urgentne medicine Srbije već deset godina napreduje zajedno sa svojim članovima i prijateljima, želeći samo jedno – da podignemo urgentnu medicinu na nivo koji joj pripada. Put nije lak, put nije kratak, ali je nesumnjivo put iznenađenja, uspeha, radosti i ostvarenih snova.
Želimo svima vama i vašim porodicama puno ljubavi, sreće, radosti, uspeha u 2025. godini.
Circulation publishes original research manuscripts, review articles, and other content related to cardiovascular health and disease, including observational studies, clinical trials, epidemiology, health services and outcomes studies, and advances in basic and translational research.
The Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM) is the official journal of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). JEM is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to both the academic and practicing emergency physicians
Explore the latest in emergency medicine, including prehospital care, resuscitation, trauma, respiratory failure, arrhythmias, and more.
The European Journal of Emergency Medicine is the official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine. It is devoted to serving the European emergency medicine community and to promoting European standards of training, diagnosis and care in this rapidly growing field.
Emergency Medicine Journal is an international peer review journal covering pre-hospital and hospital emergency medicine, and critical care. The journal publishes original research, evidence-based reviews and commentaries on resuscitation, trauma, minor injuries, disaster preparedness and response, toxicology, acute medical and paediatric emergencies, diagnostic testing, teaching, clinical operations, decision making and reflections on clinical practice.
Panorama of Emergency Medicine (PoEM) journal is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed open access scientific journal, with an access to Cochrane summary. The journal is owned by New Health Concept (NHC), a company that provides consultancy, training and publication services related to healthcare. PoEM publishes continuously and is freely available for readers and researchers.
WestJEM focuses on how the systems and delivery of emergency care affects health, health disparities, and health outcomes in communities and populations worldwide, including the impact of social conditions on the composition of patients seeking care in emergency departments.
Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) is the official publication of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) and publishes information relevant to the practice, educational advancements, and investigation of emergency medicine.
Najljubljenije lice na svetu
Već 60 godina učimo tehnike reanimacije praktikujući veštačko disanje na lutki — nazvanoj Resusci Annie — pritiskajući joj grudni koš i udišući vazduh u njena plastična usta. Lice te lutke, ispostavilo se, nije izmišljeno. Zasnovana je na licu tinejdžerke pronađene mrtve u reci Seni u Parizu krajem 19. veka čije telo nikada nije identifikovano ali čija je lice uhvaćeno u kalupu, odnosno “maska smrti”. Ona nesretna devojka je, ipak, postala najljubljenije lice na svetu