The best 5 papers, according to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee of the Tenth International Congress DLUMS, will be presented in an oral presentation.
Prize-winning works will be published in extenso in the SouthEast European Journal of Emergency and Disaster Medicine
The deadline for abstract submission is October 10, 2024.
Papers must be submitted in Word and PowerPoint versions (ePoster)
In order for your work to be published and selected for the award, you must be registered to participate in the Congress.
Only abstracts where at least one author has paid the registration fee will be printed!
The authors of the abstracts will be informed about the decision of the Scientific Committee of the congress by October 13
Writing Instructions
Please respect to the following formatting requirements when submitting abstracts via email:
– The abstract cannot exceed 250 words;
– The abstract should be sent in English or Serbian;
– All text should be written without paragraph alignment or other indentations;
– The abstract should not be formatted;
The abstract must include:
– The title, written in uppercase followed by a blank line; the title (including spaces) cannot be longer than 200 characters;
– The names of the authors, written in a single line, following the order: first name initials (for males) or first name (for females) followed by the last name (do not use professional/academic titles);
– The name of the presenting author should be underlined; leave a blank line after the list of authors;
– Affiliation (department, institution, city, country) for both the first author and co-authors. Write everything on one line, followed by a new blank line. The first letter of each word should be capitalized;
– Insert a line containing 3 – 5 keywords;
– The main text must follow the familiar structure: introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusions (avoid formulations like “results will be presented”);
– The text should contain enough details to justify the conclusion;
– Graphics and tables are not accepted in the abstract;
– All abbreviations should be explained upon their first use in the text.
ePoster instructions
ePoster Submission Deadline : 10. october 2024.
What an ePoster should look like
To make it easier for you, we suggest you this ePoster template. If possible, arrange your texts according to the existing one (on the ePoster template itself)
Please use the usual structure of the paper (Title of the paper; Authors and their institutions; Introduction; Material and methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion)
When using figures, graphs and tables please title them.
You can use Microsoft PowerPoint 2003/2007/2010 software to create an ePoster.
If you have another version, please check the fonts. It is necessary to save your ePoster in “pptx” or “ppt” format.
General appearance
• ePoster is just a one Powerpoint slide
• ePoster dimensions are 132cm in width and 75cm in height.
• The ePoster should be in landscape format.
• ePoster should not be larger than 10MB.
• Monochrome, to make the text readable.
Pictures and objects
• Avoid images that are too large (> 1 Mb)
• Avoid fade effects on objects, graphics and tables
• Do not use Flash.
• Check the resolution of the images.
• Use common fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Helvetica, Tahoma, Symbol, etc.).
• The title of the ePoster should be in a font size of at least 60
• Font for authors smaller than the title but larger than the font used in the text.
• The font with which the author’s institutions are written can be the same as the font of the text
• For poster text, use a font of at least 30pt so that the text can be read on the screen. We recommend at least font 48
Animation & Video
• Animations and video material are not allowed
• Do not enlarge tables
• Use PowerPoint rather than Excel to create tables.
Send your ePoster by e-mail by October 10, 2024 to :
• In the e-mail, state the Title of the work, Authors and author’s institutions
• If the size of your file is too large, you can use the service to send your ePoster to e-mail as a recipient.